Thomas Jefferson and His Belief on Church and State
The view of Christianity in American history varies depending on the period one is viewing. In the early colonial settlements of America, many were coming to escape religious tyranny in England. However, this view became debatable when the United States was being created. The reason is that some of the Founders were considered Diests. Thomas Jefferson was one of those who was considered a Diest. This is due to the famous letter written to the Dansbury Baptist about the “Separation of Church and State.” It was this letter that upset people in religious circles. Driesbach notes, “Such is the case with the graphic phrase “wall of separation between church and state,” which for more than half a century has profoundly influenced church-state law, policy, and discourse.” Despite this one statement, Jefferson, in his correspondence, mentions the church and the issues he saw between the church and state. This will focus on one such letter and give an interpretation of what Jefferson was talki...